Student Life » Chesed Hours Form

Chesed Hours Form

Our school year is filled with many Chesed opportunities.  Whether you are a member of The Yavneh Academy Chesed Team, Friendship Circle, volunteer at Shearit HaPlate or Tomchei Shabbos to name a few of our organizations, your time is being well used.

We all know we benefit as well from our acts of kindness. Yavneh believes in educating and nurturing the whole child. We want to celebrate your acts of kindness as a school community in various opportunities, including year-end celebrations.

Join us in reaching out to our community organizations and offering our help.  Are you looking for places to volunteer? Please contact Dr. Frohlich! We all have ideas for you!

Please remember to complete the Middle School Chesed Form every time you participate in an event. 

Click HERE to complete the form!