Early Childhood » Early Childhood

Early Childhood

חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - משלי כ''ב ו  “Chanoch L’naar al pi darko” - educating each child according to his/her own way defines the teaching practice in our early childhood department. Every year, we design curricula to match the children in our care. Traditional Jewish values inform cutting edge instructional methods, to support and stimulate each child’s unique style of physical, spiritual, cognitive, and social-emotional learning. Education is a life-long process that begins with joy, wonder, and warm, trusting relationships.

Our early childhood teachers are dedicated, gifted professionals. Each day is planned to include activities that promote the developmental growth of the whole child. T’fillah, parshat ha shavua, art, music, rhythm and dance, dramatic play, reading, phonics and early literacy activities, cooking, gardening, block building, outdoor play, math games, trips and assemblies are some of the means through which our children learn. As children’s minds and bodies are engaged in meaningful play, they challenge and refine their physical skills, and acquire important concepts in language, literacy, math, science and social studies. We tap their natural sense of curiosity to explore with them this incredible world that Hashem has given us. The richness of Jewish living is experienced through the connections we make to Israel, our celebrations of Chagim, Shabbat, our many chessed projects, and activities that promote good middot and derech eretz. Our children are instilled with a deep sense of Ahavat Torah and Ahavat Yisrael that serves them throughout their lives.

If you have more questions, please contact Mrs. Lori Ash at [email protected]