The goal of Middle School Advisory program is to help mold resilient students who are well-adjusted and ready to face the world. Parents, teachers and the guidance program work together a team to raise “our” children prepared to meet challenges and successes in life.
Dr. Aliza Frohlich has developed our cutting-edge Advisory program- a proactive and interactive weekly social/emotional class providing our students with life skills ultimately helping them to become resilient adults. The lessons are dynamic and feature activities, multi-media and creativity. Topics such as communication skills, relationships, body image, and substance use are examples of issues to be tackled in this curriculum. The focus of each grade’s curriculum is individualized to the issues they are facing.
In sixth grade, there is a focus on ensuring their transition to Middle School is as smooth as possible. Units on Organization, Time Management, and Study Skills ensure this smooth transition. We have a practical and timely unit on bar/bat mitzvah etiquette. We also discuss topics that relate to the social transitions they are feeling with their peers- friendship, peer pressure, and social exclusion and harassment (i.e. bullying).
The theme of the seventh grade curriculum is “Prepare Yourself to Change the World.” Topics such as leadership, decision-making, empathy, facing adversity and activism are targeted with hands-on projects such as a visit to a homeless shelter, training by a Child Life Specialist to decorate stuffed animals for ill children, and a political action unit where students learn to be “upstanders” in our halls and in the world.
Our eighth graders spend the year on two main themes of “Applying To High School” and “Preparing for Life After Yavneh.” They focus upon how to choose a high school, preparing for the process, and skills needed for successful high school life, like resisting peer pressure, cheating and honesty, and relationships with parents. The end of the year is spent with valuable workshops as part of their “Senior Seminar” focusing on topics such as mental health, substance use and meaningful farewells to Yavneh along with transitioning to high school life.
Our Middle School students also experience our Adolescent Life and Health Curriculum which is an opportunity for our students to learn about puberty and the social/emotional and physiological changes they are or will be confronting from a competent and halachically appropriate source.
If you have more questions contact Dr. Aliza Frohlich at [email protected]