Parent Resources » Dismissal Change

Dismissal Change

If a parent wishes to pick up a child during the school day, a Dismissal Change form needs to be submitted via Parent Locker. You will need to sign into your Parent Locker account.

All changes in dismissal must be sent via our dismissal change form no later than 2:00 p.m., or noon on a short day.

Parents will need to specify the name and relationship of the person picking up their child. The person assigned to pick up the child may be required to produce identification at the time of the pickup. Please be certain that whomever you assign to pick up your child has proper identification with them in order to avoid any issues at the time of dismissal.

The classroom teacher will be notified to dismiss the child only after the child has been signed out at the main office.

Please click here to log into your Parent Locker account.